Monthly Archives: December 2013

Add a shared object (*.so) file in qt project file (pro), example

The following is an example.

# Project created by QtCreator 2013-12-20T11:36:03

QT       -= gui

CONFIG   += console
CONFIG   -= app_bundle

LIBS += ./lib/

INCLUDEPATH += ./include/


SOURCES += main.cpp

Accurate, Robust, and Real-time Estimation of Finger Pose with a Motion Capture System

Finger exoskeletons and haptic devices demand an accurate, robust, and fast estimation of finger pose. We present a novel finger pose estimation method using a motion capture system. The method combines system identification and state estimation in a unified framework. The system identification stage investigates the accurate model of a finger, and the state estimation stage tracks the finger pose with Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) algorithm based on the model obtained in the system identification stage. The algorithm is validated by simulation and experiment. The experiment results show that the method can estimate the finger pose faster than 1 Khz and robustly against the measurement noise, occlusion of markers, and fast movement.

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