Tag Archives: rs232

Very good source code for serial communication in QT Linux envirionment

< Source code for serial communication in QT Linux envirionment>

The below site has pretty good source code for serial communication in Linux QT environment.

You can download and learn how to use it.



The below is how to install the code.  ( from the upper site)

  • cd <any folder (preferrably to the QtSDK installation folder)>
  • git clone https://code.google.com/p/qextserialport/
  • cd qextserialport
  • qmake
  • make
  • make install


Hyperterminal for serial communication (rs232 or rs485), download

Hyperterminal for serial communication (rs232 or rs485), download 

When I used Windows XP, I loved to use Hyperterminal because it is pretty simple and easy to use for serial communication. Especially it is pretty good for RS232 or RS485 communication. But now Windows does not support Hyperterminal any more.

So. I am attaching the previous program. You can download the program from the below link.

<Hyperterminal Download>